Availability Quick Search*
Maximise bookings by making it easy for customers to find available properties using the sophisticated and highly customisable search facility.

The search facility makes it easy for customers to find
the property they want
For owners with more than one property the system offers the availability search facility. Customers can search on date and you can define other search criteria of your choosing such as:
- Length of stay
- Property occupancy
- Type of property
- Property preferences (for example allows pets)
The availability search makes it very easy for your customers to find the property they want.
To maximise your occupancy the system can be set to not only search for exact dates but also to advise customers of properties available a day or two either side of their ideal dates. If that brings back no results the system will automatically search for free periods a week either side - ensuring customers only see a "Nothing Available" result if you are fully booked for the month.
The system also includes a search form you can add inside your home page to allow customers to quickly search for the properties they want.